Blur Face in Video

3 Ways to Blur Face in Video

3 automatic and effective ways are provided to blur face in the video: blur all faces, assign specific faces to blur, and freely select any face to add blur.

Blur Video Background

Precisely Blur Video Background

Accurately isolate the background and foreground in a video, and instantly blur video background with a high degree of precision, without any manual adjustment.

Blur All License Plates

Automatically Blur All License Plates

Intelligently recognize all car plates in the video and track their motion trails; Automatically blur all license plates all the way.

Blur Any Parts/Potions

Blur Objects and Parts in the Video

Blur anything or any sensitive part that you do not want to appear in public, with the automatic object recognition and point track.

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About Our AI Blurring video Solutions

Most Effective Solutions to Automatically Blur Video

For business, this blur tool can reduce 2/3 of video blurring work and boost video editing efficiency, both safe and reliable.

For individuals, this blur tool is your top option to protect your privacy, both easy to use and cost-effective.


Expert R&D Group

To provide users with the most intelligent ways to blur video, we have leading technology in automatic facial recognition and an experienced R&D team of experts in training AI models.


Pioneer and Uniqueness

We are the first AI service provider who considers the video blurring needs of editors and takes this into the application. This blur video tool has attracted extensive attention worldwide since its release and has been brought into the exhibition by agents in Japan.

Blur Video Editor Powered by AI

AI Video Editing Tool for Your Blurring Video Projects

blur face in video automatically

Automatically Blur Face in Video with High Degree of Precision

The ultimate solutions to automatically blur face in video, for both businesses and individuals. 3 face blur modes are available: blur all faces, assign faces, and free choice.

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blur video background

Instantly Blur Video Background with Enhanced Precision

Detect and determine what's in focus to separate the foreground and background precisely, then apply the blur effect to let you get a blurred background with ease.

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blur license plate

100% Automatic Way to Blur All License Plates in Video

Blurring multiple or all moving license plates in a video is a big challenge, so an automated redaction tool that supports automatic recognition and tracking for a mask is indispensable.

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blur any parts in video

Auto Detect, Track, and Blur Any Parts/Portions in Video

Apart from the automatic blur of faces, background, and car plates, you can also pixelate any objects, or parts in the video, with the intelligent identifiable of their moving trails.

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What Makes Us Excellent

The Video Editing Tool that Leverages AI to Blur Video Automatically

icon ai facial recognition

AI Facial Recognition

Self-developed facial detection mode based on deep-learning-based techniques, for facial recognition, pose detection, and re-identification.

icon face tracking

AI Facial Tracking

The automatic facial tracking enables the blur effects to follow the detected faces as they move, without keyframing and further adjustments.

icon background subtraction

Background Subtraction

Combine foreground recognition and background subtraction to detect moving objects and allow foreground and background to be extracted.

icon car plate recognition

Car Plate Recognition

Each car has its moving trails and angles. License plate recognition helps recognize all plates and track their moving trails.

Why Choose Us

Why Choose Us as Your Exclusive Blur Video Editor?


How this Blur Video Tool Works

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Import a Video

Drag and drop to import a video that you want to add blur effect to.

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Add Blur Tasks

Select blur tasks: Face Blur, Background Blur, Fixed Blur, or License Plate Blur.

process icon 3

Edit Blur Tasks

Adjust blur type, intensity, and size. Set the start and end that you want to add blur.

process icon 4

Export Blurred Video

Export the blurred video by clicking the "Export" button on the top right corner.


Let’s Hear What Are The Customer Saying

Explore what our customers say about this blur video tool and share what you expect for this tool in the future.

"I found that most of the video editors are so unnecessarily complicated to make a blurred box. Thanks to the face tracing feature, now I can click once and be done for the entire clip."

Sarah Scott

"It took a long time to blur video with some known video editing apps. Why do they have no motion tracking? That's insane! Maybe I'm asking for too much, but now I feel so happy this come true in your blur video tool."

George Nichols

"Blurring work is extremely tedious when editing. Now, it is nice to see your tool makes the blurred effect on moving options that we select such as children's faces, addresses, license plates, etc."

Simon Martins

"I used the video editor to blur my video, but it took so much time for longer videos. It takes decades to complete 5-minute video. They should use AI for motion-tracking faces or objects, like yours."

Andrew Nielsen


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